Transient Response of Resistor-Capacitor (RC) and Resistor-Inductor (RL) Circuits
Time Constants

The Transient Response of RC Circuits
The Transient Response of RL Circuits
The Complete Response
Analysis Steps for finding the Complete Response of RC and RL Circuits
Study Problems

The Transient Response of RC Circuits

The Transient Response (also known as the Natural Response) is the
way the circuit responds to energies stored in storage elements, such as
capacitors and inductors. If a capacitor has energy stored within it, then
that energy can be dissipated/absorbed by a resistor. How that energy is
dissipated is the Transient Response.

In this circuit, there is a pulse, a resistor, and a capacitor.
Assume here that the pulse goes from 10V down to 0V at t=0.

Assume also that the circuit is in Steady State at t=0-. This implies
that the capacitor is 'open' at t=0-. In order for KVL to be true at
t=0- then the capacitor voltage must be 10V at t=0-.
This is because there is no current in the circuit, therefore the voltage
across the resistor is zero.

Vc(0-) = Vc(0+) = 10V
Note that since the Transient Response is the circuit's response to
energies stored in storage elements, we will 'kill' the pulse source.
This leaves us with a simple Resitor-Capacitor circuit with an initial
10V on the capacitor at t=0+.

Applying KCL to an RC circuit:

Cdv/dt + V/R = 0
dv/dt + V/(RC) = 0
∫dv/V = ∫-1/(RC) dt
ln V = -t/(RC) + K
ln V(t=0) = K
ln Vo = K   ←Vo is the voltage on the cap at t=0+.

lnV - ln Vo = -t/(RC)
ln (V/Vo) = -t/(RC)
V/Vo = e-t/(RC)
V(t) = Vo e-t/(RC)   ←Vo = 10V in this example.

Note that the speed at which the capacitor discharges from 10V to 0V
is determined by the product R×C

When t=RC, the voltage on the capacitor is Vo/e or 37% of it's initial value.
We call RC the time constant and the symbol is τ

For an RC circuit, τ=RC
In this particular circuit τ = RC = 100Ω×1mF = 0.1 seconds
This means it takes 0.1 seconds for the capacitor to discharge from 10V down
to 3.7V. Looking at the response at the right, does this look about right?
Here is the same circuit as that above, except that the resistor
value is doubled. This means that τ is also doubled.
τ = RC = 200Ω×1mF = 0.2 seconds
This circuit is twice as slow as the last circuit.
Compare this response to the last one.

Does it appear that it takes twice as long for the capacitor
to discharge?
Finding the Time Constant τ:

Using an oscilloscope or P-Spice, we can calculate τ by inspecting
the response curve.

Locate the place where V = 37% × Vo. Then find the time at
which this occurs. This time is the time constant, τ.

The Time Constant  τ = RC for a simple RC-circuit.
The bigger τ is the longer it takes for the circuit to discharge.
The smaller τ is the faster the response.

τ is the time needed for the Transient Response to decay by a factor of 1/e.

Study Problems

After clicking on the following link enter 7-1 for the problem and 1 for the step:
Study Problem 7-1

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The Transient Response of RL Circuits

The Transient Response (also known as the Natural Response) is the
way the circuit responds to energies stored in storage elements, such as
capacitors and inductors. If an inductor has energy stored within it, then
that energy can be dissipated/absorbed by a resistor. How that energy is
dissipated is the Transient Response.

In this circuit, there is a pulse, a resistor, and an inductor.
Assume here that the pulse goes from -10V to 0V at t=0.

Assume also that the circuit is in Steady State at t=0-. This implies
that the inductor is a 'short' at t=0-. In order for KCL to be true at
t=0- the inductor current must be -1A at t=0-.

IL(0-) = IL(0+) = -1A

Consider the circuit at t=0+, the voltage across the pulse is zero but since
IL(0+) = -1A then VR = -10V. Therefore for KVL to be true
VL = +10V.

Therefore VL = +10V is the initial voltage across the inductor.
Note that since the Transient Response is the circuit's response to
energies stored in storage elements, we will 'kill' the pulse source.
This leaves us with a simple Resitor-Inductor circuit with an initial
-10A going through the inductor at t=0+.

Applying KVL to an RL circuit:

iR + Ldi/dt = 0
iR/L + di/dt = 0
-iR/L = di/dt
-R/L dt = di/i
∫-R/L dt = ∫di/i
-Rt/L + K = ln i
K = ln i(t=0)
K = ln io
-Rt/L = ln i - K
-Rt/L = ln i - ln io
-Rt/L = ln(i/io)
i/io = e-Rt/L
i(t) = ioe-Rt/L    ←io in this case is -1A

Since the plot on the right is for voltage we will find VL using VL = Ldi/dt
VL = (1H) d[ioe-Rt/L]/dt = (1H) (-10) ioe-Rt/L
VL = -10 e-Rt/L

When t=L/R, the voltage on the inductor is Vo/e or 37% of it's initial value.
We call L/R the time constant and again the symbol is τ

For an RL circuit, τ=L/R
In this particular circuit τ = L/R = 1H/10Ω = 0.1 seconds
This means it takes 0.1 seconds for the inductor to go from 10V down
to 3.7V. Looking at the response at the right, does this look about right?
Here is the same circuit as that above, except that the resistor
value is halved. This means that τ is doubled.
τ = L/R = 1H/5Ω = 0.2 seconds
This circuit is twice as slow as the last circuit.
Compare this response to the last one.

Does it appear that it takes twice as long for the circuit
to dissipate it's energy?
Finding the Time Constant τ:

Using an oscilloscope or P-Spice, we can calculate τ by inspecting
the response curve.

Locate the place where V = 37% × Vo. Then find the time at
which this occurs. This time is the time constant, τ.

The Time Constant  τ = L/R for a simple RL-circuit.
The bigger τ is the longer it takes for the circuit energy to discharge.
The smaller τ is the faster the response.

τ is the time needed for the Transient Response to decay by a factor of 1/e.

Study Problems

After clicking on the following link enter 7-2 for the problem and 1 for the step:
Study Problem 7-2

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The Complete Response

The Complete Response is the circuit's response to both
an independent source as well as energies stored in the circuit.

A circuit driven by an independent source is said to have
a forcing function.
Vcomplete response = Vnatural + Vforced

Here is an RC Circuit with a Forcing Function:

Assume the source is a pulse which goes from
0V to 10V at t=0.

If we assume steady state at t=0-, then there is no initial energy
stored in the circuit.

Intuitively we know that the capacitor is going to
charge up to 10V. When the capacitor gets to 10V
then the circuit is again at steady state.

The pulse is forcing the capacitor to 10V, thus
the 10V on the capacitor is called the forced response.

The time it takes the capacitor to charge up to 10V is
determined by the time constant. The response of getting
to 10V is the transient response.

Now we will find the Complete Response for
V across the capacitor. This equation will
match the curve shown at the right.

From the last section we know that the
transient response for an RC circuit is:
V(t) = Vo e-t/(RC) = A e-t/(RC)
Note that A is just some constant.

We also know from inspection that eventually
the capacitor will charge up to 10V. Now putting
the transient and forced responses together we get:

Vcomplete = A e-t/(RC) + Vforced
Vcomplete = A e-t/(RC) + 10V

Now we need to find A such that the equation equals
Vo at t=0. In other words, the equation
must satisfy the initial condition.

V(t=0) = 0, therefore:
0 = A e0 + 10V = A + 10V
A = -10V

Vcomplete = -10e-t/(RC) + 10V
Vcomplete = -10e-10t + 10V

Note that when t>>0, Vcomplete = 10V. This intuitively
means that when the transient response is gone the
forced response still remains.
In this circuit, the capacitor DOES NOT start at 0V.
In other words the capacitor has a non-zero initial
condition of 5V:

Note that the left switch closes at the same time the
right switch opens. Intuitively we can see that the
capacitor is going to start at 5V and then charge up
to 15V. For t<0 the 5V source is the forcing function
and for t>0 the 15V source is the forcing function.

Since this is an RC circuit with a forcing function,
the response takes the following form:
Vcomplete = A e-t/(RC) + Vforced
By inspection we know that Vforced = 15V
Vcomplete = A e-t/(RC) + 15V

Now we need to find A such that the entire equation satisfies
the value of V at t=0.

V(t=0) = 5V = A e0 + 15V
A = -10V

Vcomplete = -10e-t/(RC) + 15 V

Vcomplete = -10e-10t + 15 V

Here is the Complete Response:

Does this curve match the equation:

Vcomplete = -10e-10t + 15 V
Now let's find the voltage across the resistor
for the RL circuit to the right.

Note that the pulse goes from 5V to 15V at t=0.
Assume that the circuit is in steady state at t=0-.
At steady state inductors look like 'shorts' therefore
the voltage across the resistor must be equal to the
pulse voltage of 5V at t=0-.

At t=0+ the voltage across the resistor is still 5V,
but WHY?????

Since the current in the inductor is continuous from 0- to 0+,
and the current in the resistor is the same as the current
in the inductor, and the voltage across the resistor is
determined by its current, then we can say that if the
resistor's current is continuous then the resistor's
voltage must also be continuous.

At t>>0 the voltage across the resistor is 15V.

For t>0 we eventually reach steady state (as the transient
response dies away), so we know that at t>>0 the inductor
will look like a 'short'. Therefore the voltage across the
resistor will equal the voltage of the pulse.

Therefore we have both the initial condition and the forced response
for the voltage across the resistor:

Vo = 5V
Vforced = 15V
Now we will find the Complete Response:

Vcomplete = A e-t/τ + Vforced
Vcomplete = A e-Rt/L + Vforced
Vcomplete = A e-Rt/L + 15V

To find A we must let t=0 and assign the equation to Vo:
V(t=0) = 5V = A e0 + 15V = A + 15
A = -10

Vcomplete = -10 e-Rt/L + 15V
Vcomplete = -10 e-Rt/L + 15V

R/L = 5

Vcomplete = -10 e-5t + 15V

Assume the pulse oscillates between 15V and 5V every 1 s.

Consider the waveforms to the right. One is the pulse and the
other is the voltage across the inductor.

Note that as the transient response for VL dies away, the
voltage across the inductor falls to zero. This is because
the inductor acts like a 'short' in steady state conditions.

However immediately after the switch moves a
voltage is induced across the inductor. This voltage
opposes the change that is occuring to the current in the circuit.

Apply KVL to the circuit at t=0+ and t=1+ and see if you can
get the 10V and -10V initial conditions for VL.

The Complete Response has two parts: The Transient Response
and the Forced Response:

Vcomplete response = Vtransient + Vforced

Vtransient is found by 'killing' the forcing function. If the
circuit is RC then τ=RC and if the circuit is RL then τ=L/R.

Vforced is found by assuming Steady State. In other words, we
put the forcing function back into the circuit and assume that the
Transient Response has died out.

Any constants are found by setting Vcomplete(t=0) = Initial Conditions (at t=0)

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Analysis Steps for finding the Complete Response of RC and RL Circuits

Use these Steps when finding the Complete Response for a 1st-order Circuit:

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Study Problems

The following problems will follow the steps above to find the Complete Response of
first order circuits.

Study Problems

After clicking on the following link enter 7-3 for the problem and 1 for the step:
Study Problem 7-3
After clicking on the following link enter 7-4 for the problem and 1 for the step:
Study Problem 7-4

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