Transient Response of Inductor-Resistor-Capacitor (LRC) Circuits
Natural Frequencies

The Transient Response of Series LRC Circuits
The Transient Response of Parallel LRC Circuits
Underdamped second-order circuits
Overdamped second-order circuits
Critically Damped second-order circuits
Finding constants in second order equations.
Steps for finding the Complete Response
Study Problems

The Transient Response of Series LRC Circuit

Here is a source-free Series LRC Circuit:

By applying KVL we can generate a 2nd-order Differential Equation.

L di/dt + R i + 1/C ∫i dt + Vo = 0

Now differentiate this equation to eliminate the integral:
L d²i/dt² + R di/dt + i/C = 0

Let i = Aest, therefore di/dt = si and d²i/dt² = s²i

We now have the following equation:
L s²i + R si + i/C = 0    →   i [L s² + R s + 1/C] = 0

Since i ≠ 0, then we use L s² + R s + 1/C = 0 to find s

Using the quadratic formula:
s = [ -b ± √(b² - 4ac) ] / 2a ,    and letting  a=L, b=R, and c=1/C

We get the following equation:
s = [ -R ± √(R² - 4L/C) ] / 2L

Note there are two roots, s1 and s2.

These roots are called the natural frequencies.
s1, s2 = -R/2L ± √[ (R/2L)² - 1/LC ]
For any series LRC circuit, the following equation can be used to find s1 and s2:

s1, s2 = -R/2L ± √ [ (R/2L)² - 1/LC ]

Note: How s1 and s2 are used is shown in another section.

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The Transient Response of Parallel LRC Circuits

Here is a source-free Parallel LRC Circuit:

By applying KCL we can generate a 2nd-order Differential Equation.

C dv/dt + 1/L ∫v dt + Io + V/R = 0

Now differentiate this equation to eliminate the integral:
C d²v/dt² + v/L + 1/R dv/dt = 0

Let v(t) = Aest, therefore dv/dt = s v(t) and d²v/dt² = s² v(t)

Substituting v(t), we get the following equation:
C s²v + 1/R sv + v/L = 0    →   v [C s² + 1/R s + 1/L] = 0

Since v(t) ≠ 0, then we use C s² + 1/R s + 1/L = 0 to find s

Using the quadratic formula:
s = [ -b ± √(b² - 4ac) ] / 2a ,    and letting  a=C, b=1/R, and c=1/L

We get the following equation:
s = [ -1/R ± √(1/R² - 4C/L) ] / 2C

Note there are two roots, s1 and s2.

These roots are called the natural frequencies.
s1, s2 = -1/(2RC) ± √[ (1/2RC)² - 1/LC ]
For any parallel LRC circuit, the following equation can be used to find s1 and s2:

s1, s2 = -1/(2RC) ± √[ (1/2RC)² - 1/LC ]

Note: How s1 and s2 are used is shown in another section.


When solving for the roots of the characteristic equation,
s1 and s2 can fall into one of the following three categories:

The roots can be both real and distinct. This occurs when the discriminant is positive. s1 ≠ s2
The roots can be complex numbers. This occurs when the discriminant is negative. s1 = α + jβ and s2 = α - jβ
The roots can be identical. This occurs when the discriminant is zero. s1 = s2

This table indicates the equation form to use for i(t) or v(t):

s1 ≠ s2 V(t) = A es1t + B es2t     where A and B are constants. Over-damped Case
s1 = α + jβ and s2 = α - jβ V(t) = eαt [ A cosβt + B sinβt ]     where A and B are constants. Under-damped Case
s1 = s2 = s V(t) = (A + Bt) est     where A and B are constants. Critically-damped Case

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Underdamped second-order circuits

Here is a series LRC circuit. Therefore to find
the natural/transient response, we apply the series formula:

s1, s2 = -R/2L ± √ [ (R/2L)² - 1/LC ]
s1, s2 = -100/2m ± √ [ (100/2m)² - 1/10-12 ]
s1, s2 = -50,000 ± √ [ (25 × 108 - 1012 ]
s1 = -50,000 + j (3 × 106)
s2 = -50,000 - j (3 × 106)

Note that the roots are Complex.
Therefore the natural response is:
V(t) = e-50,000t [A cos (3×106)t + B sin (3×106)t]

(Note that A and B are constants which are found with initial conditions.)

V(t) is sinusoidal, therefore we say that the natural response "rings" or resonates.

For this reason, the response is Underdamped.

Here is the underdamped response:   

Note that the natural response for any voltage or current in the circuit above
has the same form:

X(t) = e-50,000t [A cos (3×106)t + B sin (3×106)t]

The constants A and B are what distinguishes one equation from another.

Does it make sense that every voltage and current have the same mathematical form?

Yes, because if you mathematically manipulate the above equation (through addition,
multiplication integration, differentiation, etc.) you still have the same equation
with the exception of A and B changing.

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Overdamped second-order circuits

Here is another series LRC circuit. Therefore to find
the natural/transient response, we apply the series formula:

s1, s2 = -R/2L ± √ [ (R/2L)² - 1/LC ]
s1, s2 = -100/(0.2m) ± √ [ (100/(0.2m))² - 1/(0.01n) ]
Note that m = 10-3   and   n = 10-9
s1, s2 = -500,000 ± √ [ (500,000)² - (100 × 109) ]
s1, s2 = -500,000 ± √ [ 15 × 1010 ]
s1, s2 = -500,000 ± 387,000

s1 = -887k   and   s2 = -113k
Note that k=1000

Note that the two roots are both real, but distinct from each other.
Therefore the natural response is:
V(t) = Ae-887kt + Be-113kt

(Note that A and B are constants which are found with initial conditions.)

The response is Overdamped.

Here is the overdamped response:   

Note that the natural response for any voltage or current in the circuit above
has the same form:

X(t) = Ae-887,000t + Be-113,000t

The constants A and B are what distinguishes one equation from another.
A and B are found with initial conditions. (See below.)

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Critically Damped second-order circuits

Here is another series LRC circuit. Therefore to find
the natural/transient response, we apply the series formula:

s1, s2 = -R/2L ± √ [ (R/2L)² - 1/LC ]

s1, s2 = -100/0.2m ± √ [ (100/0.2m)² - 1/4p ]
Note p=10-12
s1, s2 = -500,000 ± √ [ (500,000)² - 0.25 × 1012 ]
s1, s2 = -500,000 ± √ [ 25 × 1010 - 0.25 × 1012 ]
s1, s2 = -500,000 ± √ [ 0 ]
s1, s2 = -500,000

Note that s1 and s2 are identical.
Therefore this circuit is critically damped.
Therefore the natural response is:
V(t) = Ae-500kt + Bte-500kt

(Note that A and B are constants which are found with initial conditions.)

The response is critically damped.

Here is the critically damped response:   


Look carefully at the three responses. Note that the underdamped response falls quickly to zero
but it then 'overshoots' zero. The response resonates (or rings) around zero. After some time,
the response dies out, similar to a bell which eventually stops ringing.

Now compare the overdamped response with the critically damped response. Note that the overdamped
response is 'slow' compared to the critically damped response. The critically damped response
represents the fastest the circuit can decay to zero without overshooting zero.

Study Problems

After clicking on the following link enter 8-1 for the problem and 1 for the step:
Study Problem 8-1

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Finding the constants A and B

To find A and B we may need to use ic = C dv/dt and VL = L di/dt

Assume the following Natural Response:

V(t) = Ae-4t + Be-t

Also assume you are given the following
information about the circuit:

V(t=0) = 4    and    dV/dt(t=0) = 11

Note that two Initial Conditions are needed
because there are two unknowns, A and B.
We now apply the initial conditions to find A and B:

V(t=0) = 4 = Ae0 + Be0
4 = A + B    EQN 1

Using the other initial condition:

dV/dt = -4Ae-4t - Be-t

dV/dt(t=0) = 11 = -4Ae0 - Be0
11 = -4A - B    EQN 2

Substitute (4 - A) for B in EQN 2:
11 = -4A - (4 - A)
15 = -3A
A = -5 therefore B = 9

The Natural Response is:
V(t) = -5e-4t + 9e-t

Assume the following Natural Response:

i(t) = e-2t(A cos3t + B sin3t)

Also assume you are given the following
information about the circuit:

i(t=0) = 3    and    di/dt(t=0) = 6

We now apply the initial conditions to find A and B:

i(t=0) = 3 = e0(A cos0 + B sin0)

3 = (A cos0) = A × 1 = A   EQN 1

di/dt = -2e-2t(A cos3t + B sin3t) + e-2t(-3A sin3t + 3B cos3t)

di/dt(t=0) = 6 = -2e0(A cos0 + B sin0) + e0(-3A sin0 + 3B cos0)

di/dt(t=0) = 6 = -2(A) + (3B)   EQN 2

Plug A=3 into EQN 2:

6 = -2(3) + 3B
12 = 3B
B = 4

The Natural Response is:
i(t) = e-2t(3 cos3t + 4 sin3t)

Assume the following Natural Response:

V(t) = (A + Bt)e-3t

Also assume you are given the following
information about the circuit:

V(t=0) = 4   &   dV/dt(t=0) = 8
We now apply the initial conditions to find A and B:

V(0) = 4 = (A + 0)e0 = A

A = 4  EQN 1

dV/dt = Be-3t - 3(A + Bt)e-3t
dV/dt(t=0) = Be0 - 3(A + 0)e0

dV/dt(t=0) = 8 = B - 3A  EQN 2

8 = B -3(4)
8 + 12 = B
B = 20

The Natural Response is:
V(t) = (4 + 20t)e-3t

Assume there is a Forced Response.
This will get added to the Natural Response.
Assume the following Complete Response.

i(t) = Ae-4t + Be-t + 20

Note that the 20 is the forced response - i.e. what is left
after the transient response has died out.

Also assume you are given the following
information about the circuit:

i(t=0) = 20    and    di/dt(t=0) = 15

We now apply the initial conditions to find A and B:

i(t=0) = 20 = A + B + 20
A = -B    EQN 1

di/dt = -4Ae-4t - Be-t
di/dt(t=0) = -4Ae0 - Be0
di/dt(t=0) = 15 = -4A - B    EQN 2

15 = -4A - (-A)
15 = -3A
A = -5
B = +5

The Complete Response is:
i(t) = -5e-4t + 5e-t + 20

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Steps for finding the Complete Response of LRC Circuits

Use these Steps when finding the Complete Response for a 2nd-order Circuit:

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Study Problems

The following problems will follow the steps above to find the Complete Response of
second order circuits.

Study Problems

After clicking on the following link enter 8-2 for the problem and 1 for the step:
Study Problem 8-2
After clicking on the following link enter 8-3 for the problem and 1 for the step:
Study Problem 8-3

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