Recommendation on how to identify
the source/author of materials

TECE (Technology and Engineering Curriculum Exchange) is an open source curriculum exchange. By posting course materials, you are agreeing to share those materials with other members of TECE.

It is expected that members will site sources and/or co-authors of materials that are not created solely by the member.

Here are some general guidelines for citing sources:

  1. To identify material developed by someone else that you have adapted into a lab, hand-out, or other, indicate that person using format at the top of your posted document:
    This material was adapted from person's name, affiliation (if applicable).
  2. To identify material that you use verbatim from someone else, indicate that person using this format at the top of the document:
    This material is authored by person's name, affiliation (if applicable).
  3. If you authored a document then please put your name on the top along with any other co-authors.
  4. When posting materials with pictures, show the URL or source from which the picture was taken.