Technology and Engineering
Curriculum Exchange

Starting an engineering course for non-engineers or creating a 'How Stuff Works' class can be a big demand on your time for a variety of reasons. Some of the obstacles to creating these innovative courses can be:

"How Stuff Works" classes are relatively new and innovative which means standards and canonical labs have not yet been established. To address the challenge of acquiring course materials, the ASEE Technological Literacy Division is promoting the sharing of course materials through the formation of the Technology and Engineering Curriculum Exchange (TECE).

TECE is implemented using Google Docs. Course materials are posted and made available to any member of TECE. To view and use course materials at TECE, please email either:

Name  Email  Institution 
Dr. John Krupczak  Hope College Engineering Dept 
Kate Disney  Mission College 


After your membership in TECE is approved, you will be able to view and use any of the course materials for your own class. You will also become a member of the google group, Engineering_for_all.

Since TECE is a curriculum exchange, we hope you will share your course materials. Posted materials can be anything you’ve created or adapted from other sources. You may also post materials that you have not created or adapted yourself, as long as you cite the source for the material.

TECE Protocols

For information on "How to author your own curriculum, how to site sources used in your own adaptation of curriculum, and how to identify marterials you use from others.", please read the TECE protocols.

Help in Using Google Docs

We are using Google Docs to create and maintain our TECE repository of course materials. For those who are new to Google Docs, we have created a quick overview on how to use Google Docs for downloading course materials into the TECE repository.


Thanks! We hope you will become a member of TECE today.